You need a copy of my Holistic Medicine E-Book, "How To Improve Your Life And Your Health Now! Your Guide To Using Holistic Medicine, Holistic Healing & Oriental Medicine (Traditional Chinese Medicine)!" in order to:
Hope is a real and powerful energy...It is such a powerful energy that it is what compels each baby to be born, to exit the womb and enter the world...It is the "hope of life.
It is not and has nothing to do with the mere saying of words like, "hope you get better" which is only a weak and wimpy statement. Hope is a living vital energy in you...unless you let it die..but there is more...
If you have been keeping informed on health issues, you know that many thousands of people just like you are being killed by what I am calling "Medical Predators" and their dangerous medical practices.
You should be particularly suspicious and cautious to avoid unnecessary or elective surgeries, especially back surgery including so called "spinal fusions".
There has been a lot of media attention given to not only the ineffectiveness of this surgery, but the bribes, graft and corruption rampant among many of its providers...
Oh, yes and people have died from this type of surgery...there is that...potential death.
Many other types of surgery have been labeled "mainstream", the "only way to go" if you have this...fill in the blank...problem.
The only problem with this is that current research has demonstrated many surgeries are very dangerous, of questionable value and of little if any real value in improving people's lives and quality of life.
One book I refer to written by MDs have called all of this, "Death By Medicine". You need to be informed so that you can stay safe! Click here to read an excerpt from the book "Death By Medicine.
Ironically these providers of predatory medicine practices discount or dismiss altogether the value of things such as Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine that have been consistently effective for thousands of years. People don't do what doesn't work for very long...have you noticed?
Not too long ago, I asked Richard what he thought about the price of $24.95 that I was selling it for?
He said, "think bigger"...I asked, "what do you mean?"
He said, "by bigger, I mean a bigger impact on the world...reaching more people."
I asked him how I could do that...that's what I wanted. I wanted as many people as possible to have the information in this book.
He told me to lower the price...
I asked him what price he thought would make it available to a lot more people.
He said, "$12.95"!
I thought about it for a minute and said, OK, $12.95 in honor of my patient and friend Richard Porter...
So click on the PayPal Button below and pay only $12.95 USD! and get your copy of my book today! Don't wait another minute to learn true secrets to protecting, maintaining and improving your health!
Once you get to the PayPal page, if you don't have a PayPal account you can sign up for one...
...Or if you prefer you can pay using your Mastercard, Visa, clicking on the "Buy Now" button once at the PayPal page look to the bottom right hand corner of the PayPal page and you will see the option to pay with Mastercard, Visa, etc...The words there are "Don't have a PayPal Account" "Pay with a debit or credit card as a PayPal guest."
Just click on those words ("Pay with a debit or credit card as a PayPal guest.") and you will be taken to a page where you can enter your debit or credit card information and pay for your copy of my book.
There you have can have your own copy of my book for only $12.95. From now until December 31, 2017.
You will need to have Adobe Reader in order to read my e-book. If you don't have a copy you can download a free copy of this Adobe Software by clicking on the image below.
I'm Dr. Glenn Eichenauer, L'AP, OMD... Sign up to get my FREE Monthly Acupuncture And Oriental Medicine
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Here Is A Testimonial I'll Never Forget!:
"I don't care what is wrong with you...see Dr. Eichenauer. He can help you with anything. He helped me with every problem I ever presented him with.
I even had major surgery for a complete bowel obstruction and he got me back to work months faster than the hospital MDs told me was possible.
His herbal formulas worked wonders for me that time as they always do.
When I called him and told him my symptoms that night, Dr. Eichenauer was the one who told me to go straight to the emergency room right away that night when my bowel was obstructed."
J.R. Sarasota, FL
If you would like to read more about what my patients have to say about my healing abilities, please click the link below.
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